Do not be afraid to be the saints of the new millennium!

Youth Gathering 2018 - SSVM -IVE

I wanted to begin this chronicle with a quote from Saint John Paul II, directed towards the youth, which sums up the experience of our International Youth Gathering in Luxemburg, whose theme this year was “Do not be afraid”. “Young people of every continent, do not be afraid to be…

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International Youth Festival, in the Heart of Europe!


“Humanity has the imperious necessity of the testimony of free and valiant youth that dare to walk against the current to proclaim with strength and enthusiasm the faith in God, our Lord and Savior.” St. John Paul II By God’s grace, we were able to hold the 4th “Youth Festival”…

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Saint John Bosco Father and Instructor of the Youth


On the 31st of January, we celebrate the memorial of Saint John Bosco, proclaimed the Father and Instructor of the Youth by Pope Saint John Paul II on January 24th, 1989. Saint John Bosco founded the Society of Salesians. He dedicated all his energy to rescue the boys who had…

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Closing of the Jubilee Year of Our Lady “Consolation of the Afflicted”


The Closing of the Jubilee Year for the 350 Year Anniversary of the Election of Our Lady “Consolation of the Afflicted” as the Patroness of Luxembourg City It was in the year 1666, when Our Lady, under the title “Consolation of the Afflicted”, was proclaimed and she was officially recognized…

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