The Feast of St. John Bosco in Luxembourg

All the just of the earth, including those who do not know Christ and his Church, who, under the influence of grace, seek God with a sincere heart (cf.  Lumen gentium, n. 16), are thus called to build the kingdom of God by working with the Lord, who is its first and decisive builder. Therefore, we must entrust ourselves to his hands, to his Word, to his guidance, like inexperienced children who find security only in the Father:  “Whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child”, Jesus said, “shall not enter it” (Lk 18: 17).[1]

John Bosco Oratory SSVM

As the children arrived, we brought them to the Church where we prayed for a particular intention – for all children. One of them asked to pray also for those whom we don´t know. Afterwards we watched a little presentation on the life of Don Bosco. Then we played a little game with all the children in the hallway, and with that we began the festival games where they had to win “Saint John Bosco” in order to buy toys and candy from the kiosk. We ended with a snack, and little bags of candy with a picture of Don Bosco, and of course the famous piñata. Some of the parents stayed in order to help with the activities and the children really enjoyed themselves. One lovely anecdote…while we were racing in the hallway, after completing the challenge, one of the children, a four-year-old, went to greet St. Joseph (the statue at the end of the hallway), as if thanking him for the gift. We give thanks to God and we pray for the purity and holiness of these children.

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[1] Pope Saint John Paul II, Wednesday, December 6, 2000

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