Feast of St. Hildegard of Bingen

ssvmne-monastery-st-hildegard-of-bingencontemplatives-sisters-monastery-luxembourg-ssvm-4contemplatives-sisters-monastery-luxembourg-ssvm-2Last Saturday, September 17th, feast of the patroness of our monastery, St. Hildegard of Bingen, we celebrated the two year anniversary of the monastery and “Spiritual Center” in Luxemburg. Present at the Holy Mass celebrated by Fr. Théophile Walin were M. María Virgen Blanca, our Provincial Superior, sisters of the community Our Lady of Luxemburg, some of our benefactors and other lay faithful. The Mass was followed by a small reception with refreshments in our parlor. It was a good occasion to speak with the benefactors present and express our gratitude to them.

contemplatives-sisters-monastery-luxembourg-ssvm-1contemplatives-sisters-monastery-luxembourg-ssvm-3It is also an opportunity to look back at the last two years and realize what we have been able to do and give thanks to God for the innumerable graces that He has blessed us with in these first two years.

We ask for your prayers in order that we remain faithful to the graces received and generous in responding to them. We also ask for prayers that we, by the grace of God, may be able to flourish where He has planted us for the greater glory of His name.

In Christ and Mary most Holy, from the “Heart of Europe”,

Sisters of the Monastery St. Hildegard of Bingen

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