Servants of the Lord in The Hague


The Chapel of St. Anthony of Padua is open as a place of prayer and meeting in the middle of The Hague. This mission is lived primarily from the adoration of Jesus in the Eucharistic, and the chapel is principally a place for Eucharistic Adoration.

 Contact the sisters for further information and for our schedule of activities for the children, teenagers and youth.

Attention: change of schedule for some days

The chapel of St. Anthony of Padua will be open on the Second Day of Christmas, Tuesday, December 26th, from 15.00 until 17.30 to visit the Nativity scene and pray in the chapel.

The chapel will be closed the week of January 8th until 12th. There will be no Holy Mass here on Wednesday, January 10th and no public adoration times during that week.

SSVM Chapel in The Hague


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