Sister Guadalupe, SSVM – 7 conferences in The Netherlands


Sister Guadalupe lived in Aleppo in Syria during years of war. She visits the Netherlands and tells us about the daily life and the terror she has witnessed. Friday March 31, 2017 Sint-Janscentrum Den Bosch Papenhulst 4, 5211 LC s’- Hertogenbosch Reception opens: 19.30  Conference starts: 20.00 Sint-Janscentrum:     Saturday…

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Saint John Bosco Father and Instructor of the Youth


On the 31st of January, we celebrate the memorial of Saint John Bosco, proclaimed the Father and Instructor of the Youth by Pope Saint John Paul II on January 24th, 1989. Saint John Bosco founded the Society of Salesians. He dedicated all his energy to rescue the boys who had…

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