CEyTEC Foundation

CEyTEC Foundation

Tour in Luxembourg, Belgium and The Netherlands

The CEyTEC Foundation (Center for the Study and Treatment of Behavioral Diseases https://fundacionceytec.org/) was founded in Argentina in 2007, at the initiative of a group of young professionals, students of psychology and related careers. For more than ten years, is engaged in the study and therapeutic application of psychology with an integral vision of the human being. Our aim is specifically to respect the human nature of each suffering person, addressing the study and practice of psychology from an anthropological view with a realistic perspective.

CEyTEC Foundation Realistic psychology is the scientific study of the mental, volitional and affective processes of the human being, considered as a unified whole of soul and body in light of the contributions of the Greco – Latin classical anthropological tradition, represented by the great classics, and enriched by the humanists and scientists of all times. On this integral vision of the human being, a psychotherapy is built that respects human nature, adapted to the needs of each individual, suffering person.

This vision of psychology and psychotherapy represents an original proposal in the combination of its different levels of integrality:

1) Integrality of levels in the patient:

  1. a) he or she is considered as a person and, contemporarily, in his or her social dimensions (in particular the family);
  2. b) we pay attention to the different levels in the person: psychological, and, at the same time, physical and spiritual. Each of these dimensions is approached by a professional who is competent in it;
  3. c) The spatial-temporal levels in the subject: we want to help each person to frame his or her past life, to take the present with serenity and to face the future with realism.

CEyTEC Foundation2) Professional Integrality:

The work is carried out in a joint manner, with psychologists, doctors, family counselors, psycho-pedagogues, physiotherapists, and other professionals, according to the specific needs of the problem of each patient in particular. All of this work in favour of the suffering person is done by professionals who share the same anthropological vision and the same ideal and who continue studying man and current society in a joint way through research and formation meetings and by the sharing of therapeutic experiences.

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